It is late so please excuse my grammar. Many of the emails sent out by our system may have gone to Junk folders. We will need to inform people by word of mouth to check their junk folders when they sign up and white list the addresses we use.
We are to the point where people can register or subscribe. Only Members are supposed to register. I will keep my eye on that. Anyone from the 193rd or families may subscribe to updates. Anytime something new is posted they can be notified. Additionally, they can select the categories they want to be notified about. Example, just the Motorcycle Club, just Retirements etc. Everyone should subscribe to 193rd SOW News as that is our default category.
Randy and I are listed as Administrators. Administrators get to see everyone that registers and posts as well as having total access to the entire site. Board Members will be set up as either Editors or Authors depending on their desire and skill level. An Editor can change any page or post on the entire site. An Author can write and edit their own Posts.
Members may become Contributors if they wish or simply Subscribers. Contributors can create Posts but they must be approved by an Administrator. Subscribers can receive email updates to posts.
Anyone can become a Subscriber. That includes families etc. They will simply be able to receive updates via email and select the category or categories from a list.
We do have the ability to email in updates to the website. You can attach PDF’s etc. The subject of the email will be the Title of the post. You should put the following symbols at the beginning and end of the body of your email so unwanted things like signature blocks and extraneous text does not appear in the post. The symbols are:
Write your email here.
Whatever is between :start and :end will appear in the Post. Attached documents will automatically appear at the bottom of the post with an icon people can click. The default Post Category is 193rd SOW News We can change that if you desire. The BIG issue is you do not want to email in something that you want to appear under a different category. ONLY people assigned to Administrator, Editor or Author will be allowed to send an email to post to the website. The email MUST be sent from your Registered account or it will not go through to the site. Example, you are Registered with a email address. You cannot send an email to post form your home Comcast account unless you are Registered under both accounts which is possible.
The Board will have to decide who gets these privileges. The Board has final say. I will not make those decisions for you. I am simply a web administrator and technology advisor.
I encourage you to consider asking the base to assign people from various Squadrons to be able to Post Retirements via Login so they can Post to the proper category. That is the easiest way to handle it. We can also set up an online form like the Contact form and then an Admin can post the retirement. It is up to you.
I will try to get around to setting up a Twitter Account for us very soon. That way the young folks will have something to look at quickly for updates. They way that works is the first several characters of a Post are automatically sent out to our Twitter Account. I have one for PAontheweb. Click this link to see how it auto updates from our Events and Blog It is Fire and Forget. We never pushed it but we have 78 followers without asking anyone to follow us. Personally I think Twitter is for Twits 😆
I am a little concerned that our security is a bit overboard. I installed something called SABRE which gives you the Registration screen you see. The up side is it tracks IP addresses so I can see where Registered users are coming from and block Non Members and remove their privileges if they try to sneak in as Members. The potential down side is it can block legitimate users by accident. If we discover too many people encountering login problems I will have to disable it. We use other redundant security features. I will not go into them for more than one reason. You would just be bored to tears.