The 193d Maintenance and Operation Groups 8th Annual Special Operations Warrior Foundation Charity Golf Tournament
Friday, July 12, 2013
Royal Manchester Golf Links
5700 Board Road
Mount Wolf, PA 17347
Scramble Format
Registration begins at 0630
Shot Gun start at 0800
Sign up deadline is 1200, Friday, July 5th
$75 per person/ $300 per team
For Questions, please contact:
Capt Joel Kushner
MSgt Daisy Andino
This is a 193d Special Operations Wing Benevolent League Sanctioned Event
Donations to this event will benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This four-star charity provides scholarships to children who have lost a parent in U.S. Military Special Operations missions.
Tournament Limited to the first
144 Players/ 36 Teams
$75 per player
Registration starts at 0630
Continental Breakfast
All entries include: Green fees, cart, lunch
Beverages on the course
Prizes & Raffles
Driving Range Availalbe
Burgers and Dogs available on the turn